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Services and Work Products

The EHRF's primary objective is sound science, specifically as it relates to research, policy, health and environmental issues, and the sharing of information. Critical to this mission is the collection and dissemination of information to benefit the scientific community, regulatory agencies, and the public. (For example, see our website on biomonitoring at .)

In view of the fact that health and environmental issues are increasingly complicated by political as well as scientific considerations, it is imperative that decision-makers, whether in regulatory or industry organizations, understand the various points of view and make decisions based on the key scientific findings. EHRF takes pride in understanding issue dynamics, including the need to identify experts who are able to separate fact from claim and communicate the science in understandable terms.

EHRF will accomplish this objective in a cost-effective manner through its national network of scientists and policy analysts. The following are examples of the Services and Work Products EHRF will provide:

  • Monographs of single research topics, or legal and/or policy analysis with commentary.
  • The Journal of Environmental Health Research - the journal will contain peer-reviewed studies and analysis addressing key issues relevant to the regulated community. Topics can be as broad or as narrow as required.
  • Critical reviews of the scientific literature - to enable decision-makers to know the strengths and weaknesses of divergent views on a selected issue, including the scientific uncertainties, and to make science-based decisions.
  • Science workshops/conferences on health and environmental safety-related topics having relevance to sponsors. A crucial component of this service will be the publication of the proceedings in a timely manner. For instance, the objectives of an EHRF conference on chemical safety assessment methods might be as follows:
  • Engage a group of experts representing a range of sectors (academia, government, and industry) to identify areas for improvement in the current safety assessment process for chemicals;
  • Provide a constructive forum for the discussion of and generation of recommendations for addressing technical concerns regarding safety assessment;
  • Facilitate a process for resolving scientific issues of concern in chemical safety assessment; and
  • Publish the contents and results of the proceedings.

Scientists associated with EHRF are committed to the Foundation's mission of providing sound, science-based guidance, utilizing creative problem-solving skills, accessing the most current scientific literature, and addressing topical issues in the most science-based and balanced manner possible.